Friday, May 27, 2011

You Say Salt, I Say Sea Salt

You might have noticed that in my recipes I use sea salt.  I have gotten into the habbit of using sea salt in the past few years.  The major difference that I have noticed in my cooking between salt and sea salt is that regular salt is saltier.  Below is what I gathered from my search on the interent:

1. Table salt is sourced from mines or the sea and is arrived at after removing impurities by an industrial process.  Sea salt on the other hand is obtained by evaporating sea water.
2. Sea salt has a higher mineral content than table salt and is therefore considered to be a healthier alternative.
3. Table salt is the more widely used variety.
4. Sea salt has natural minerals in it while table salt may be fortified with iodine and other chemicals additives like sodium silicoaluminate, calcium phosphate, or magnesium carbonate which help prevent clumping.
5. Sea salt is growing in popularity as a health alternative to table salt, though it is more expensive.
6. Sea salt is supposed to taste better than table salt.
7. Table salt is regarded as dead salt while sea salt is regarded as a living one.

I'm not saying this information is correct or not.  It is completely up to you to decide which one you would like to use!  But consider that table salt is saltier than sea salt, so adjust your measurements if you are using table salt.  The only thing that I could find online as far as measurements is the following:

1 tablespoon coarse or kosher salt = 2 teaspoons table salt

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!